God smiles

I’ve been thinking about how we develop our self-image. For children, adult faces are their mirror. More than a piece of glass does, it tells them who they are and what they are. Good. Bad. A disappointment. A pain in the neck. The words we say are important, but we don’t always think about what our expression says.

The message I heard Sunday was about Jesus’ ascension. The thing that struck me most was that Jesus was blessing them as he left. The last the disciples saw of him was his smile and blessing on his lips.

Imagine how that would affect them. It says they went away rejoicing (check out the end of Luke).

What kind of face do you picture when you think of Jesus. Do you picture him smiling at you? He is, you know.

If he lived for you. If he died for you. Then he loves you. And he smiles.

It’s not that he thinks you’re perfect. He knows better than that. He knows you better than you know yourself. But he loves you.

When God sees you, he sees you in Jesus. He’s known the end from the beginning. He’s not worried. He’s not upset. And he smiles, too, when he thinks of you.

I wonder how I can keep that picture in my mind. I want to. I want to think of God and think of him smiling. As I talk to him. As I go about my day. I want to keep the picture in my mind. And rejoice like the disciples did.

It will take practice.

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face smile at you [shine upon you] and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. (Num. 6:24-26)

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