“Of Barnham, Suffolk, England”
1130Sons John, George, Robert and William all came to New England between 1630-1638.
He was a churchwarden in 1599.
1799The four brothers disappear from the English records at the time they first appear in New England - which forms an important link in the chain of connecting proof of the Eliglish home. That they came to America about 1635, when most of the planters of the towns of Dedham and Watertown, MA arrived, has been definitely established by historians and genealogists, and while no record has been found to determine the date of their sailing, it has been shwon that William Bullard, while on his voyage to New England, became a witness to the will of James Harvis, who died on ship board, leaving property in trust for his borther at Wethersfield, in England, and desired William Bullard “to take the whole business upon himself.”